צריך עיון > חברותא > "חברותא" – ד"ר ליאור אלפרוביץ – הנצחת השואה בציבור החרדי

"חברותא" – ד"ר ליאור אלפרוביץ – הנצחת השואה בציבור החרדי

ההיסטוריון ד"ר ליאור אלפרוביץ משוחח עם הרב נתנאל זליקוביץ בנושא הנצחת השואה בציבור החרדי


תגובה אחת על “"חברותא" – ד"ר ליאור אלפרוביץ – הנצחת השואה בציבור החרדי

  • I’m happy to announce That my new book "AN HEIRESS OF HOLOCAUST" has Just been published.
    The book is a unique memoir of Holocaust atrocities and the lasting effects it had on me and on other sons and daughters – the second generation of Holocaust survivors.
    • As the Holocaust survivors leaves our world, it is the duty of us to pass on their legacy, their experiences and losses over the course of those horrific six years.

    I wrote this book in response to growing antisemitism, the trend of Holocaust denial, and a concern that the genocide of European Jews will be relegated to our forgotten, distant past along with the Inquisition.

    An Heiress of the Holocaust allows the reader a rare glimpse into the darkest time in human history.

    This book is distinctive in that it sheds light, for the first time, on the plight of my generation, on the post-trauma from which many of us suffer from
    identifying with the pain of our parents, and how they unintentionally passed on their personal tragedy to their unsuspecting children

    The book can be purchased in AMAZON

    Poland, 1942. My mom told me how her sister, Cirella, threw her two-year-old daughter Bella from the window of the moving train that was taking them to the concentration camp Treblinka. How the mother had leaped after the baby but was killed by the bullet of a Polish guard. Mom told how the toddler was last seen sitting in the place where she had fallen, while a Polish woman gathered her up into her lap. "You have a cousin in Wysokie Mazowickie who surely survived." told me mother. "Maybe one day you will manage to find her."

    It is the gripping story of my family and my ravaged home. I relate the story of a family member who served in the special Sonderkommando unit in Auschwitz, who spent six years in the Holocaust with death breathing down his neck. I describe how this brave group of strong Jewish men were forced to aid the Nazis in carrying out the Final Solution to the Jewish problem. How these prisoners of Auschwitz managed to go on after sending their victims to the gas chambers and then to the crematoriums.

    AN HEIRESS of HOLOCAUST allows the reader a rare glimpse into the darkest time in human history, and its continuous and devastating effect on the lives of Holocaust survivors and their successors.
    I hope that this book will be of interest to you.
    The book can be purchased at AMAZON.COM. Just open the link:

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