Rabbi of "Ohr Chadash" Ramot, Jerusalem; rabbinical judge and legal scholar. Teaches at Yeshivas Chedvas HaTorah and at Hebrew University, heads the Iyun Institute, founder and editor-in-chief of "Tzarich Iyun". Has published hundreds of articles on Jewish law (predominantly on the Dinonline platform) and thought, alongside academic publications. Author of Binyan HaShtar (on workings of legal documents) and Prophecies and Providence.

Will We Win “Together”?

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer | Kislev 5784 / November 2023

Extremes of Israeli society meet in opposition to national unity. We need to embrace it. Beyachad nenatzayach.

The Challenge of Change

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer | Iyar 5781, May 2021

Two known strategies for managing social change are conservatism and progressivism. Judaism, however, fits neither...