Faith by Identification

Rabbi Reuven Leuchter | Shevat 5779 / January 2019

Simple faith constitutes deep identification with the foundations of faith and religion — an identification...

The Abnormality of Excellence

Rabbi Moshe Farkash | Elul 5778, August 2018

The New Charedim are not searching for their path; it has already been paved before...

The Death of Heroism

Eli Lifshitz | Elul 5778, August 2018

The birth of the bourgeois middle class heralded a hallowing of everyday life and the...

The Morning After Ideologies

Rabbi Chaim Navon | Elul 5778, August 2018

Haredi society distinguishes itself from traditional Jewish society in its ideological foundations. The transition made...

Toward a Charedi Middle Class

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer | Elul 5778, August 2018

In recent years large swathes of Charedi society are undergoing a gradual process of adopting...

The Voice of a Complex Truth

Noa Yaron Dayan | Elul 5778, August 2018

Charedi society has difficulty in coping with complexity. Its literature, in turn, prefers to present...

Who Moved My Story?

Etty Heizler | Elul 5778, August 2018

Quietly, quietly, a growing internal literature subverts the absolute truths upon which Charedi society is...